2 VEDASAyurveda Medicine ( BC) ayur (life) and veda (science). • Sacred medicine from Ancient India. • Holistic philosophy embracing fasts, herbs, enemas, baths and cleansing diets 2700 BC Shen Nong discovers Chinese herbalism BC Imhotep describes ancient Egyptian medicine. c2000 BC The writings of the Nei Jing (Classics of Internal medicine) by Huang-Ti (Yellow Emperor). c1700 BC Code of Hammurabi (King of Babylon) lays down laws for doctors BC Ebers papyrus records Egyptian medical practice. 1200BC Asclepius (Greek physician) sets up a healing center in Greece.


3 Our Ayurveda text contains the Swastha Vritta which is nothing but Naturopathy. During the ancient era the physicians used to treat the patient's disease using natural medicines but would also educate them about a healthy lifestyle.

4 HIPPOCRATES (468-377 BC) The father of medicine
HIPPOCRATES ( BC) The father of medicine. “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. • Greek physician from Cos. • Recognised that disease was a disturbance of the balance of harmony within the body. • A physician would restore this balance with the help of the patient. • He was the first healer to record medical experiences for future reference. • The Hippocratic oath was exacted by his students. c300 BC The medical school and library of Alexandria is founded.

5 Naturopathy“Life is short; the art is long. Opportunity is fleeting, experience perilous and judgment is difficult. The physician must be ready, not only to do his duty himself, but to secure the cooperation of the patient, attendants and of externals.”Hippocrates, the father of modern therapeutic science, believed that “It is Nature that heals, not the physician”

6 Give me fever and I can cure every disease
Give me fever and I can cure every disease.” Thus Hippocrates the father of medicine the fundamental law of cure over two thousand years ago. I have expressed this law in he following sentence. “ Every acute disease is the result of a cleansing and healing effort of Nature”. - "Nature Cure: Philosophy and Practice Based on the Unity of Disease and Cure" book, by Henry Lindlahr

7 not of recent origin.originated 2500 years ago, at the time of Hippocrates.People regard Hippocrates as the father of modern medial science. This is a misconception. As a matter of fact, he owes his frame primarily to his advocacy of methods of healing based on the laws of Nature.Physis means Nature.Greek word that the term physician has been derived.He was the first to study the process of what has been described as ‘healing crisis’ the process that is the backbone of Nature Cure System. It is this process that is described by Drug Therapists as the ‘acute’ state of a disease.

8 Gandhiji influenced by the Book Return to Nature by Adolf Lust Wrote Several articles on naturoapathy in Newspapaer Harijan Moraji Desai, Ex.Gov.Mannarayanji, Ex.Presi,V.V.Griri Acharaya Vinoba Bhave adnd Shri Balkova Bhave 

9 Philosophy First, do no harm Heal the whole person
Identify and treat the causeDoctor as TeacherTreat the Whole PersonHealth Promotion, the Best Prevention

10 PhilosophyFirst, do no harm; provide the most effective health care available with the least risk to patients at all timesHeal the whole person Recognize, respect and promote the self-healing power of nature inherent in each individual human being.Identify and treat the cause Identify and remove the causes of illness, rather than eliminate or suppress

11 Educate, inspire rational hope and encourage self-responsibility for health (Doctor as Teacher).
Treat each person by considering all individual health factors and influences. (Treat the Whole Person).Emphasize the condition of health to promote well-being and to prevent diseases for the individual, each community and our world. (Health Promotion, the Best Prevention)Philosophy

12 Different Modalities Cranial osteopathy Hair analysis Homeopathy
 Acupuncture Applied kinesiology Botanical medicine, Brainwave entrainmentChelation therapy for atherosclerosis Colonic enemas Color therapyCranial osteopathy Hair analysisHomeopathyRidology Live blood analysisPhysioltherapyElectrotherapyHydrotherapyReflexology

13 3 BASIC PRINCIPLESThe whole practice of Nature cure based on the following three principles:Accumulation of morbid matterAbnormal composition of blood and lymph Lowered vitality

14 "Nature Cure is so simple easy and cheap
"Nature Cure is so simple easy and cheap.....this system of treatment should be used." -Mahatma Gandhi

15 “I BELIEVE that man has little need to drug himself
“I BELIEVE that man has little need to drug himself. 999 cases out of a thousand can be brought round by means of a well-regulated diet, water and earth treatment and similar household remedies.The essence of nature cure is that we learn the principles of hygiene and sanitation and abide by those laws as well as the laws relating to proper nutrition. Thus does every one become his own doctor.- Mahatma Gandhi

16  Nisargopchar Ashram, Uruli Kanchan   It was pre-independence period, when Gandhiji accompanied Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel to Pune for his treatment at Dr. Dinshaw Mehta's Nature cure center near Pune railway station. Gandhiji founded "Society of Servants of Gods" along with Dinshaw Mehta. While in Pune Gandhiji was deeply impressed by simple ways of Natural Cure. He thought cities like Pune have all medical facilities but villages do not have access to medical facility. He wrote an article in Harijan, "I made a mistake, I should have gone to the village to popularize simple ways of Nature Cure, therefore I want to shift."

17 The man who eats to live, who is friends with the five power-earth, water, ether, sun and air and who is a servant of God, the Creator of all these, ought not to fall ill.”Gandhi believed that disease is an attempt by the body to get rid of the toxins. These toxins can be eliminated by fasting, eating and drinking natural food, cleansing of the bowels by enemas, baths, hydro therapies and massages.For Gandhi, food was not something that just satiated hunger. It was an integral part of shaping the human consciousness. "Occasional fasting," according to him, "is indeed beneficial for the body and restores normal functioning of the digestive system.“Written 2 Books My Nature Cure, The Key of HealthFamous Naturopaths are Dr.K.L.Lakshman Sharma, Dr.S.J.Singh.J.M.Jussawala, Dr.B.Venkat Rao,Venkatachalapathy Sharma,

18 Naturopathy Vs Nature Cure
Nature cure is the system of man building in harmony with the constructive principles of nature on the physical, mental, social and moral planes of buildingNaturopathy is the drugless system of medicine, which relies upon the natural resources in the treatment of diseases rather than drugs

19 DefinitionsNaturopathy is a distinct school of healing, employing the beneficent agency of Natures forces of water, air, sunlight, earth power, electricity, magnetism, exercise, rest, prope diet, various kinds of mechanical treatment, mental and moral science.” – Dr.Benedict Lust Naturopathy is the science,art,philosophy of adjusting the framework, correcting the mental influence and supplying the body with its needed elements – Dr.J.E.Cummins

20 "Nature cure is a constructive method of treatment which aims at removing the basic cause of disease through the rational use of natural diet and elements freely available in nature," says H.K. Bakhru,

21 “Naturopaty is the perfected science of Human Wholenesss and it includes all agencies, methods, systems, regimens, practices and ideals of natural origin and divine sanction, whereby human health may be restored enhanced and maintained.” – Edward Earle Purinton Each Patient carries his own doctor inside him. They come to us not knowing that truth, we are at our best when we give this doctor inside each person the chance to do his job – Dr.Albert Schweitzer M.D

22 Naturopathy means a drugless, non-invasive, system of therapy involving the use of natural materials in its treatments based on the theory of vitality, the theory of toxemia, the theory of the self healing capacity of the body and the principles of healthy living. Naturopathy means nature path. It is considered as the mother of medicine. It uses the power of mother nature as a curative agent. Nature is Gods Physician. Nature alone possess restorative powers. She alone can build up her exhausted energies and repair the injuries she has received by the inattention to her fixed laws. 

23 Five Great Elements Earth – Mud baths, Mud packs,
Water – Hydrotherapeutic methods in the form of Baths, Jets, Douches, Packs, Compresses, ImmersionsAir –Breathing exercises, Outdoor walking, Open air bathsFire – Sun baths, Thermoleum baths, Magnetized water, Color charged oils/waterEther – Fasting therapy

24 Dr. H.G. Cox, M.D., of the New York College of Physician and Surgeons, admonishes doctors in these words, “The fewer the medicines you give to your patients, the better for them”Dr.William Osler, whose name is recorded in golden letters in history, deserve to be inscribed in the hearts of every one use : “The human body is such a complex machine that our present knowledge of it can still be considered only rudimentary. And yet we fill it with medicines about the mode of action of which we know next to nothing. The only real doctor is one who understands the limitations of his own medicines” Perhaps no one is more qualified than Dr. Osler to express an opinion on the value of medicines.

26 "The natural system for curing disease is based on a return to nature in regulating the diet, breathing, exercising, bathing and the employment of various forces to eliminate the poisonous products in the system, and so raise the vitality of the patient to a proper standard of health."Benedict Lust, 1918,  Founder of Modern, Naturopathic

27 As a professional waiter in Baden-Baden he became ill (with what he felt was tuberculosis) and decided to return to Germany to seek the water cure offered by Father Sebastian Kneipp. He claimed his health improved dramatically, and he became an even more fervent believer in natural medicine. 

28 the "Father of Naturopathy" in America,
and his writings and magazines introduced the country not only to German methods, but also Indian concepts of Ayurveda Lust was harassed by authorities and medical associations for promoting his approach towards healing, involving massage and nude sun bathing, at his health resorts, and was arrested at least 19 times by New York and Federal authorities.Paramahansa Yogananda was one of several Indians who wrote articles for "Nature’s Path" in the 1920’s,

29 Benedict Lust began the Yungborn Nature Cure in 1896 on 60 acres in theRamapo Mountains near Butler, New Jersey. In 1911, when this photo of the main recreation building was taken, Yungborn reportedly had more than 100 guests taking the nature cure.

30 Mister Lust can make you well,
if you will let him layThe plans for what you eat andwear, and his commands obey.He's got an Eden out of town,where you will get no meat,Roast beef, cigars, and lagerbeeryou'll never want again,When you've been healed at [Yungborn],by fruit, fresh air &rain.Its very cheap as well as good—this wondrous Nature Cure,And if you take it home withyou, its blessings will endure;For all the ills of all mankind,the cheapest and the bestIs Mister Lust's great NatureCure--just put it to the test!

31 Vincenz Priessnitz watched a roebuck with a wounded limb coming to a pond (or stream) to heal its wound.  He healed his own finger injured during timber felling with water wraps (1814). In 1816 he was injured more seriously when he broke his ribs in an accident with a cart and the doctor claimed it was fatal or at least crippling. He used his water therapy which took a year but eventually succeeded. 

32 Lázně Jeseník (until 1948 and in German Gräfenberg) is a small village in the Olomouc Region of the Czech Republic. It is administratively part of the city of Jeseník (Freiwaldau).The place is known for its connection with Vincent Priessnitz, an early proponent of hydrotherapy. Priessnitz had founded the first modern hydrotherapeutic institute in the world here. It is also known for the Sanatorium Priessnitz building (author Leopold Bauer) and many springs.

35 Some time later, Father Sebastian Kneipp of Baveria (in Germany) attained fame as a healer. He was not only a Naturopath, but also a teacher and a social worker. He ran a sanatorium based on hydrotherapy for more than forty-five years, and attained exemplary success in curing all types of disease. His book on hydrotherapy, ‘My Water Cure’ is studied with interest even today. His speciality was the use of water at different temperatures for different illnesses.


36 "With the correct combination of water and herbs, almost any illness can be cured."
"Those who do not find time every day for health must sacrifice a lot of time one day for illness.- Father Sebastian Kneipp, Pioneer of Hydrotherapy & direct instructor to the founders of Naturopathic Medicine.

37 Kneipp Hydrotherapy Herbalism – The use of botanical medicines.
ExerciseNutrition - A wholesome diet of whole grains, fruits & vegetables with limited meatSpirituality - Kneipp believed that a healthy mind begot a healthy person

38 "Nature has provided us generously with everything we need to remain in good health.” - (Sebastian Kneipp)Nutrition "As long as there is no radical change in our dietary habits, the serious damage that causes man to become ill cannot be remedied. Indeed, it will become worse.“

39 When submerged in water, your body is about one tenth of its normal weight. Buoyancy is the key to relaxation and stress relief. It helps overcome the effects of gravity and stress on the joints. Hydrotherapy is now recognised as an excellent form of complimentary treatment by established health institutions worldwide.


40 Sebastian Kneipp revolutionized naturopathic medicine in the 19 century. After having cured himself of a severe case of tuberculosis (a disease held to be incurable in his day) by taking short immersions in the freezing cold Danube, he began intensive study of the health-promoting power of water and the healing properties of certain plants."... for the healthy individual it is an excellent means to maintain his health and energy, but also in times of illness it is the prime remedy; it is the most natural, the simplest and, when used properly, the safest means. Water is my best friend and will remain so until I die.“

41 "Nature has provided us generously with everything we need to remain in good health."
(Sebastian Kneipp)

42 Henry Lindlahr  - Nature Cure deals with disease suppression versus elimination, hydrotherapy, and the importance of fresh air and sun bathing. 

43 He overcame obesity and diabetes naturally under the program of Father Kneipp. He devoted himself to healing after being helped by Father Sebastian Kneipp. 

44 “The ‘regular’ school of medicine, as a body, has ignored and will ignore this science, because it discloses the fallacy of their favorite theories and practices and because it reveals unmistakably the direful results of chronic drug poisoning and ill-advised operations.”~Henry Lindlahr,Upas Tree Of Disease

45 Dr.Louis Kuhne‘The New Science of Healing’ and ‘The Science of Facial Expression’“All diseases originates in the accumulation of poisons in the body : all diseases are fundamentally the same” - principle

46 Dr.Arnold Rickley – said importance of air and sunlight in addition to water and diet. 

47 Dr.Adolf-healing with the help of clay mud.
gave ‘Return to Nature’

48 Specific Physiological Effects of Hydrotherapy
Enhanced Circulation of Blood & LymphIncreased Oxygen to TissuesBetter Digestion of FoodIncreased Nutrients to CellsGeneral Boost to the Immune SystemBalances the Nervous SystemCalms the SympatheticNourishes the ParasympatheticAssist the Body's Detoxification Efforts

49 Like all diseases are linked to sickness, the causes of the Disease are disturbance and imbalance of our organ and System - Dr. Louis KunheIt is better to eat less. Reduction in eating will extend your life Longer-Dr. Luigi